Proper Method of Industrial Waste Management
Industrial waste are production residues produced by the industry from manufacturing processes, mining, or other activities. Industrial waste can be in the form of liquid waste, solid waste, or gas waste. Industrial waste can contain hazardous or toxic materials which can harm human health and the environment if not managed properly.
Proper Waste Management System
Industrial waste management is a process that aims to reduce the negative impact of waste on the environment and human health. There are several ways to manage industrial waste, including:
One way to manage industrial waste is to reduce the amount of waste generated at the source. This can be done by optimizing the production process so that less waste is produced.
Industrial waste that is still suitable for reuse can be reprocessed (recycled) or reused. For example, plastic waste can be processed into new plastic raw materials, while paper waste can be used as new paper raw materials.
Industrial waste that cannot be reused or reprocessed can be processed by means of treatment. Treatment is divided into two, namely physical treatment and chemical treatment. Physical treatment includes filtering, settling, and drying. While the chemical treatment includes neutralization, oxidation, and adsorption.
If industrial waste cannot be reprocessed or treated by means of treatment, then the waste can be disposed of in a final disposal site (TPA) that has been prepared. Final disposal sites must comply with predetermined requirements so as not to harm the environment and human health.
Alternative Methods of Industrial Waste Management
In addition to the industrial waste management methods mentioned above, there are several other ways to manage industrial waste, including:
Landfilling is one of the most common methods of industrial waste management. Industrial waste that cannot be reprocessed or treated by means of treatment is disposed of in a final disposal site (TPA) that has been prepared. The industrial waste is wrapped in plastic or other materials so that it is not contaminated with other wastes.
Incineration is a way of managing industrial waste by burning the waste. Burnable industrial waste is non-hazardous solid or liquid waste. Incineration can reduce the volume of waste and produce heat that can be utilized for other purposes. However, incineration can also produce greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2 and NOx which can damage the environment.
Biodegradation is the process of decomposing industrial waste by microorganisms. Industrial waste that can be decomposed in this way is organic waste such as household waste, agricultural waste, and wood waste. Biodegradation can reduce the volume of waste and produce natural fertilizers that can be reused.
Composting is a way of managing industrial waste that is similar to biodegradation. Composting refers to the process of decomposing organic waste into natural fertilizers with the help of microorganisms. Industrial waste that can be processed in this way is agricultural waste, wood waste, and household waste. Composting can reduce the volume of waste and produce natural fertilizers that can be reused.