MoU between PT Nasional Hijau Lestari and PT New Ramon Star

MoU between PT Nasional Hijau Lestari and PT New Ramon Star regarding Cooperation in Management of Hazardous and Non Hazardous Waste and Environmental Management September 3, 2021.

PT New Ramon Star (selanjutnya disebut ?PT NRS?) merupakan perusahaan swasta berbentuk Perseroan terbatas yang didirikan berdasarkan hukum Negara Republik Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang Jasa Pengangkutan dan Pengelolaan Limbah B3 (Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun).

The scope of PT NRS' activities includes: Transportation, Collection, Storage, Processing and Utilization of Hazardous Waste by applying the 4R principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recovery) which is safe and environmentally friendly.

PT NRS is a company experienced in the field of Hazardous Waste Management.

PT NHL and PT NRS have signed an MoU on Cooperation in the Management of Hazardous Waste on September 3, 2021.

This MoU will be followed up in a separate agreement, namely the Hazardous and Non Hazardous Waste Management Cooperation Agreement.

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