Recognize the General Types of Waste
In general, the types of waste can be grouped into several types according to the form of the waste they produce.
The increasing number of population in an area or region, will tend to increase the amount of waste produced. Both waste originating from individuals or individuals, household waste, hospital waste, and waste generated by industries in that area.
Even though the sources that produce waste and also the types of waste are different, basically all waste will have a bad effect on the environment and the surrounding community.
In order to reduce the adverse effects generated by the waste, waste treatment can be carried out based on the type of waste produced. The following are general types of waste that can be grouped based on their form:
Liquid waste
The first type of waste is liquid waste, this type of waste is generally produced by the remnants of production from an industry or factory. However, do not rule out that liquid waste can also come from households, although in small quantities.
Liquid waste can be traced or its source searched based on the division as follows:
Even though rainwater is not a residual product, rainwater that falls and flows on the ground has the potential to carry other particles in the form of crystallization of gases, liquid waste or solid particles which can be damaging.
the amount produced by household waste is generally still below the normal line, but if it is not managed properly it can damage the environment as well. This household waste can be in the form of leftover soapy water or waste leftovers from the routines carried out in the household.
As the largest contributor of waste, it seems that the industrial sector needs special attention, because almost all production results from factories will emit liquid residues or waste that can damage the environment.
Solid waste
The next type that needs to be known from the type of waste in general is solid waste, from its solid form, of course one can imagine that this type of waste will be dominated by the household sector.
This type of solid waste is known as the most disturbing waste, because apart from its unpleasant smell, its solid form will also spoil the beauty from our point of view. Examples of solid waste are:
Household vegetable waste
Product packaging waste
Carcasses of animals
Burning remains
Small dust or dirt carried by the wind
Gas Waste
The last is the type of waste in the form of gas, this waste is often forgotten because in general this gaseous waste cannot be seen. Although most of this gaseous waste has a sharp odor, sometimes this gaseous waste can also be odorless and even colorless.
Some examples of waste that can be classified as gaseous waste are:
Motor vehicle exhaust fumes
Combustion smoke
Hazardous gases or chemicals
Those are three groups of general types of waste that can be identified based on their basic form.
After understanding well the types of waste which are divided into 3 based on their shape, of course they need appropriate handling.
The problem of handling waste can be dangerous if it is not handled properly, especially those produced by large industries or companies.
Lots of companies and business units utilize the services of third-party waste treatment systems such as those provided by the Sinergi Mitra Lestari Indonesia Company through a waste management and transportation service unit.
With waste management carried out by Sinergi carefully, will provide a reduction in the adverse effects of various wastes generated by an area.